
Method one

1、使用减号运算符 (-) 缩小搜索范围 大学最热门的专业 -https://new.qq.com/ -https://www.thepaper.cn/
2、对确切的短语使用引号 " " "中国共产党章程"
3、尝试使用星号 (*) 作为通配符 "最热门的*" site:zhihu.com
相关网站: 例如,related:www.youtube.com可用于查找类似于 YouTube 的网站。
4、指定特定域名网址,在其域名范围内寻找: 过去十年最热门的动漫 site:zhihu.com
5、按日期 before:time(after:time) 大学排名 after:2023 6、文件类型: filetype: 三体 filetype:txt`


useless :Customize your searches


  • The plus operator (+): As mentioned above, stop words are typically ignored by the search engine. The plus operator tells the search engine to include those words in the result set. Example: tall +and short will return results that include the word and.
  • The tilde operator (~): Include a tilde in front of a word to return results that include synonyms. The tilde operator does not work well for all terms and sometimes not at all. A search for ~CSS includes the synonym style and returns fashion related style pages –not exactly what someone searching for CSS wants. Examples: ~HTML to get results for HTML with synonyms; ~HTML -HTML to get synonyms only for HTML.
  • The wildcard operator (*): Google calls it the fill in the blank operator. For example, amusement * will return pages with amusement and any other term(s) the Google search engine deems relevant. You can’t use wildcards for parts of words. So for example, amusement p* is invalid.
  • The OR operator (OR) or (|): Use this operator to return results with either of two terms. For example happy joy will return pages with both happy and joy, while happy | joy will return pages with either happy or joy.
  • Numeric ranges: You can refine searches that use numeric terms by returning a specific range, but you must supply the unit of measurement. Examples: Windows XP 2003…2005PC $700 $800.
  • Site search: Many Web sites have their own site search feature, but you may find that Google site search will return more pages. When doing research, it’s best to go directly to the source, and site search is a great way to do that. Example: site:www.intel.com rapid storage technology.
  • Related sites: For example, related:www.youtube.com can be used to find sites similar to YouTube.
  • Change your preferences: Search preferences can be set globally by clicking on the gear icon in the upper-right corner and selecting Search Settings. I like to change the Number Of Results option to 100 to reduce total search time.
  • Forums-only search: Under the Google logo on the left side of the search result page, click More | Discussions or go to Google Groups. Forums are great places to look for solutions to technical problems.
  • 高级搜索: 点击 Google 开始或结果页上搜索框旁边的【高级搜索】按钮,按日期、国家/地区、金额、语言或其他条件细化搜索。( Advanced searches: Click the Advanced Search button by the search box on the Google start or results page to refine your search by date, country, amount, language, or other criteria.)
  • Wonder Wheel: The Google Wonder Wheel can visually assist you as you refine your search from general to specific.


2、按照语义从宽泛到狭窄来排序.Ordering search terms from general to specific in the search box will display helpful results in a drop-down list and is the most efficient way to use AutoComplete.

The bottom line:

GIGO:garbage in, garbage out。 There are not the things you want in garbage bin。


1、10 tips for smarter, more efficient Internet searching
2、How to search better: 17 essential tips, plus best practices